Issac Newton (U.K)

Universal law of gravitation, Laws of motion, Reflecting telescope

Galileo Galilei (Italy)

Law of Inertia

Archimedes (Greece)

Principle of buoancy, Priciple of the lever

James C Maxwell (U.K)

Electromagnetic theory, Light, an Electromagnetic waves

Roentgen (Germany)


Marie Curie (Poland)

Discovery of radium and Olonium, Studies on natural Radioactivity

A Einstein (Germany)

Law of photo – electricity , Theory of Relativity

James Chadwick (U.K)


Neil Bohr(Denmark)

Quantum model of Hydrogen atom

Rutherford (N Zeeland)

Nuclear model of atom

Huygens (Hollands)

Wave theory of light

Michael Faraday (U.K)

Laws of electromagnetic indication

Edwin Hubble (U.S.A)

Expanding Universe

Abdus Salam (Pakistan )

Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions

R. A. Millikan (U.S.A)

Measurement of electronic charge

 Ernest O. Lawrence


 W. Pauli(Austria) 

 Quantum Exclusion Principle

 L de Broglie (France) 

 Wave nature of matter

 J. J. Thomson (U.K) 


 Lev D. Landau (Russia) 

 Theory of condensed matter, Liquid Helium

 H. R. Hertz (Germany) 

 Electromagnetic waves

 Hideki Yukawa (Japan) 

 Theory of nuclear forces

 Heisenberg (Germany) 

 Quantum mechanics, Uncertainty Principle

 Victor F. Hess (Austria) 

 Cosmic radiation

 S.N.BOSE                                                                                           Homi J Bhabha


Cascade Process in Cosmic Rays


 S. Chandrashekhar                                 

 Inelastic scaterring on light radiation

Chandrashekhar Limit,Structure and evolution of stars