41) Valves in human veins were discovered by

  1. Willian Harvey
  2. Marcello Malpighi
  3. Girlamo Fabrici
  4. Rene Laemmec

42) Modified stems among the following are

  1. Ginger,Carrot
  2. Carrot,Turmeric
  3. Radish, Carrot
  4. Garlic, Potato

43) The place and type of joint in human body that works like a joint of door and window is

  1. Elbow-ball &Socket joint
  2. Shoulder- Ball & Socket joint
  3. Elbow – Hinge joint
  4. Neck- Hinge joint

44) The organisms that share the surface of the pond water as a habit are

  1. Pistia, pond skater, larva of may fly
  2. King fisher, dragon fly, may fly
  3. Leech, great water boat man, mosquito larva
  4. Frogs, cranes, crabs

45) Mulberry: Mulberry Silk:: ——– : Tasar Silk

  1. Tasar
  2. Tamarind
  3. Terminalia
  4. Tridax

46) Neelima observed a Papaya flower. The flower may be

  1. A complete flower
  2. A bisexual flower
  3. A flower with head inflorescence
  4. A male or a female flower

47) The mismatch among the folloing

  1. Potato- eye
  2. Yeast- Spores
  3. Bryophyllum-Leaf
  4. Bread mould- Budding

48) These seeds are dispersed by water

  1. Milk weed
  2. Cotton
  3. Coconut
  4. Tridax

49) In a waste water treatment plant sludge is removed by

  1. Bar screens
  2. Chlorine and Ozone
  3. Skimmer
  4. Scraper

50) Rajesh made a cylinder of 15 cms length with a type of soil and then made it into a ring and it got cracks. The type of soil Rajesh used is

  1. Light
  2. Clay
  3. Sand
  4. Loam

51) Choose the correct pair regarding plant disease

  1. Tikka-Bateria
  2. Red rot – Virus
  3. Smut – Fungi
  4. Citrus Canker – fungi

52) Example for “Short Term Crop” is

  1. Jawar
  2. Red gram
  3. Green gram
  4. Sugar cane

53)’Apis tincture’ used in homeopathic treatment is prepared by using

  1. Honey
  2. Bee venom
  3. Bee wax
  4. Drone wax

54) External fertilization takes place in

  1. Frog, hen
  2. Cat, fish
  3. Frog, fish
  4. Rat, Cat

55) Pick up the correct statement regarding a ‘National Park” from the following

    1. The area hitched to conserve the wild life in their natural habitat
    2. In this area human activities are allowed in limited way
    3. Grazing of domestic animals is prohibited in this area


1. A, B

2. A, C

3. B, C

4. A, B, C




56) Frog, Snake, grass hopper, eagle and grass are present in a food chain. Identify the primary consumer in the above food chain.

  1. Grass
  2. Frog
  3. Grass hopper
  4. Snake

57) Disease caused by ‘Helicobacter pylori’ is

  1. Kala-azar
  2. Typhoid
  3. Anthrax
  4. Peptic ulcer

58) Cycas, Loris and spotted chital deer are the examples of

  1. Extinct species
  2. Endemic species
  3. Endangered species
  4. Invasive alien species

59) In an erect plant, materials flow from upper parts to lower parts and lower parts to upper parts through these tissues respectively.

  1. Xylem, phloem
  2. Phloem, Xylem
  3. Xylem, dermal tissue
  4. Phloem, dermal tissue

60)The organells that synthesize protein in the cell are

  1. Ribosomes, Lysosomes
  2. Lysosomes, Golgi complex
  3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes
  4. Ribosomes, Rough endoplasmic reticulum

61) Organisms without membrane bound nucleus are placed in this kingdom

  1. Protista
  2. Monera
  3. Protozoa
  4. Fungi

62) The ancient bacteria present till date are

  1. Archaebacteria
  2. Cyanobacteria
  3. Eubacteria
  4. Escherichia coli

63) In a crop field it is observed that plants are unable to penetrate the roots deep into the soil. This is because of

  1. Deficiency of Potassium
  2. Excess of Potassium
  3. Deficiency of Phosphorus
  4. Deficiency of Nitrogen

64) Part that divides the inner space of eye ball as aqueous chamber and vitreous chamber is

  1. Conjunctiva
  2. Sclera
  3. Iris
  4. Lens

65)The story ‘Monkey and Hat merchant’ is about this type of animal behaviour

  1. Intinct
  2. Imprinting
  3. Imitation
  4. Conditioning

66) In a marine ecosystem organisms like brittle star, angular fish and tripod are found in this zone

  1. Euphotic zone
  2. Bathyal zone
  3. Abyssal zone
  4. Both in euphotic & bathyal zone

67) ‘pyrolysis’ means

  1. Process of incineration
  2. Process of combustion in absence of oxygen or under controlled atmosphere of oxygen
  3. Splitting of Pyruvic acid
  4. Burying waste material away from residential areas

68) Adaptation in Hydrilla plant

  1. Thin leaves with stomata
  2. Thin leaves with no stomata
  3. Wax layer on leaves
  4. Thick leaves with no stomata

69) Name the phase and end products formed in grana during the process of photosynthesis

  1. Biosynthesis phase – starch,water
  2. Photochemical phase – starch, water
  3. Biosynthetic Phase – ATP, NADPH, O2
  4. Photochemical phase – ATP, NADPH, O2

70) Sterility in males is due to the deficiency of this vitamin

  1. Retinol
  2. Tocoferol
  3. Pyridoxine
  4. Calciferol

71) Phytohormone responsible for opening of stomata and promotion of sprouting of lateral buds in plants is

  1. Auxins
  2. Gibberellins
  3. Cytokinins
  4. Abscisic acid

72) The situation in which ‘endosperm’ is formed

  1. Male nucleus + egg cell
  2. Male nucleus + male nucleus
  3. Secondary nucleus + egg cell
  4. Male nucleus + secondary nucleus

73) This phase of cell cycle lies in between end of DNA replication and beginning of mitosis

  1. G1 phase
  2. G2 phase
  3. S phase
  4. M phase

74) The passage of spermatozoa

  1. Seminiferous tubules, Vasa deferentia, Vasa efferentia, Urethra
  2. Seminiferous tubules, Vasa efferentia, Vasa deferentia, Urethra
  3. Seminiferous tubules, Urethra, Vasa efferentia, Vasa deferentia
  4. Urethra, Vasa deferentia, Vasa efferentia, Seminiferous tubules

75) When a pure green pea plant is crossed with heterozygous yellow pea plant, the genotype ratio of plants produced is

  1. 1:1
  2. 1:2
  3. 1:2:1
  4. 2:1

76) A deer that can run fast only survives in the forest. This proves

  1. Lamarkism
  2. Mendalism
  3. Darwinism
  4. Malthus theory

77)  In the given blood coagulation equations ‘X’ and ‘Y’ denoted Prothrombin    ‘X’   Thrombin ;  Y  Thrombin  Fibrin

  1. X- Thrombokinase, Y- Fibrinogen
  2. X – Fibrinogen, Y – Thrombokinase
  3. X – Thrombin ,  Y – Fibrinogen
  4. X – Fibrinogen,      Y – Thrombin

78) Mukesh is very good at solving puzzles. The part of the brain responsible for this ability is

  1. Cerebellum
  2. Medulla
  3. Diencephalon
  4. Cerebrum

79) This Alkaloid is used as sedative

  1. Caffeine
  2. Quinine
  3. Scopolamine
  4. Reserpine

80) This ecological pyramid is always inverted

  1. Pyramid of number in aquatic ecosystem
  2. Pyramid of biomass in forest ecosystem
  3. Pyramid of biomass in aquatic ecosystem
  4. Pyramid of number in forest ecosystem