CONTENT (Marks: 24)
1. Parts of Speech

2. Tenses

3.Types of Sentences

4.Prepositions & Articles
5. Degrees of Comparison

6. Direct and Indirect Speech

7. Questions and question tags,
8. Active & Passive voice

9. Phrasal verbs

10. Reading Comprehension


13. Meaning of idiomatic expressions,

14. Correction of Sentences,

15. Sequencing of the Sentences in the given paragraph

16. Error identification within a sentence.
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
1. Aspects of English:-

(a) English language – History, nature, importance, principles of
English as second language

(b) Problems of teaching / learning English
2. Objectives of teaching English.
3. Phonetics
4. Development of Language skills:-

(a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW).
(b) Communicative skills.
5. Approaches, Methods, Techniques of teaching English.
(a) Introduction, Definition and Types of approaches methods and techniques of
teaching English

(b)Remedial teaching.
6. Teaching of structures and vocabulary items.
7. Teaching learning materials in English
8. Lesson Planning
9. Curriculum & Textbooks
10.Evaluation in English language Teaching – CCE