ACAROLOGY Study of Ticks and Mites
ACTINOLOGY Study of Radiation effects

Study of Radially symmetrical animals

AEROBIOLOGY Study of Airbone Organisms
AGRIBIOLOGY Comparative study of primitive tribal customs
AGROBIOLOGY Quantitative science of plants life and plant nutrition
AGROLOGY Soil science dealing with production of crops
AGRONOMY Science of all management of domesticated animals
CRYOBIOLOGY study of effects of low temperature on organisms and their preservation
CYTOLOGY Study of cell structure
EYMBRYOLOGY study of fertilization and development of a Zygote into an embryo,larva or miniature adult
EXOBIOLOGY Study of possibility of life in the outer space
MICROBIOLOGY Study of Micro-organism
PATHOLOGY Study of Diseases ,activities of Pathogens
EUTHENICS Study of environmental conditions that contribute to the improvement of intellect of human beings
EUPHENICS Treatment of defective heredity through genetic engineering
FLORICULTURE Cultivation of plants for their flowers


Study of stomach,intestine and their diseases
GEOLOGY Study of earth
GERONTOLOGY Study of ageing and senescence
GYNAECOLOGY Study of female reproductive organ
HAEMATOLOGY Study of blood
HEPATOLOGY Study of liver
HERPETOLOGY Study of reptiles and amphibians
HORTICULTURE Development and management of orchards and gardens
HYPNOTHERAPY Treatment through hypnotism
ICHTHYOLOGY Study of fishes
IMMUNOLOGY Study of immunity or resistance to disease
KALOLOGY Study of human beauty 
MAMMOLOGY  Study of mammals
MASTOLOGY Study of breast
MYCOLOGY Study of fungi


Study of muscles
MYREMECOLOGY Study of ants
NEONATOLOGY Study of new born
NEPHROLOGY Study of kidneys
NEOROLOGY Study of nervous system
OLULTUREERIC Cultivation of vegetables
ONCHOLOGY Study of cancer
OOLOGY Study of eggs
OPTHALMOLOGY Study of eyes
OSTEOLOGY Study  of bones


Study of ENT
PAEDIATRICS Branch of medicine dealing with children
PHARMACY about drugs
POULTARY SCIENCE Rearing chicken ,geese and ducks
PSYCHIATRY Treatment of mental disease
PSYCHOLOGY Sttudy of human mind and behaviour
RADIOLOGY Science dealing with X-rays
SAUROLOGY Study of lizards
SERICULTURE extraction of Silk
SITOLOGY Science of food, diet and nutrition
SONOGRAPHY Ultrasound imaging
SONOLOGY Study of hearing
TRICOLOGY Study of hairs
UROLOGY Science dealing with disorder of urinary tract
VIROLOGY Study of viruses
ZOOGENY Origin and development of animals
ZYMOLOGY Study of fermentation processes