Part – I

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

(Marks: 10)



Part – II
Perspectives In Education (Marks: 10)


Part – III
Biological Science Content (Marks: 44)

1. Biological Sciences:

Its importance and human welfare, Branches of Biology,
Biologists, Reputed Biological Institutions in India

2. Living World:

Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms

3. Microbial World:

Virus, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Protozoan, Useful and Harmful
Micro-organisms, Diseases – causes, infectious and non-infectious diseases, Acute and
Chronic diseases, Means of Spread, Antibiotics and Vaccines

4. Cell & Tissues:

Discovery of cell, Diversity in cells, Cell – Structural and Functional
unit of life. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, Ultra structure of Eukaryotic Cell, Cell
Organelles – Structure and functions, Differences between Plant Cell and Animal Cell,
Cell cycle stages- Cell Division types – Mitosis and Meiosis, Plant and Animal
Tissues –Types, Structure and Functions.

5. Plant World :

Morphology of a typical Flowering Plant – Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower,
Inflorescence, Fruit and seed – their Structure, Types and Functions, Parts of a Flower,
Modifications of Root, Stem and Leaf, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Transportation
(Ascent of Sap), Root pressure, Transpiration pull, Respiration – cellular respiration,
Excretion- Primary and Secondary Metabolites, and Reproduction in Plants – Asexual
and Sexual, Plant Hormones, Economic importance of Plants, Agricultural Operations,
Production of food from plants, Seasonal crops, Crop diseases and Control measures,
Improvement in Crop yield, Storage and Preservation

6. Animal World:

Movement in animals, Animal behavior, Reproduction in animals,
Oviparous and viviparous animals, The age of Adolescence, Organs and Organ
Systems in animals including human – their Structure and Functions of Digestive
system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Excretory system, Nervous system,
Control and Coordination, Sense Organs: Structure and Functions of Eye, Ear, Nose,
Tongue and Skin and Reproductive system –Reproductive health, prevention of HIVAIDS, Birth control- methods of contraception, Nutrition in man – Nutrients and
their functions, Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases, Tropical diseases, Skin diseases,

Blindness in man – Causes, Prevention and Control, Health agencies, Economic
Importance of Animals, Animal Husbandry –Breeding of Cows and Buffaloes,

7. Genetics:

Heredity and Evolution, Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Reasons for selecting
Pea plant, Blood groups and Rh- factor, Thalassemia, Sex determination in Human
beings, Theories of Evolution – Lamarckism, Darwinism, Evidences of Evolution –
Homologous, Analogous and Vestigial organs, Evidences from Embryology and
Fossils, Human Evolution

8. Our Environment:

Water in our life, Abiotic and Biotic factors and Ecosystems,
Food chain, food web, Natural Resources Classification, Judicial use of Renewable,
Non-renewable and Alternative Resources, Adaptations to different ecosystems,
Wild Life – Conservation, Sanctuaries, National Parks in India, Biogeochemical
Cycles, Pollution causes and its effects, Types – Air, Water, Soil and Sound
pollution, Global Environmental issues – Global Warming (Green House Effect),
Acid Rains and Depletion of Ozone layer. Energy relations in Ecosystems, Bio-mass
and Bio-fuels, Non-Conventional Energy sources

9. Applied Biology:

Recent Trends in Biology, Tissue Culture, Pisciculture, Sericulture,
Apiculture, Poultry and its management, Hybridization,

Part – IV
Teaching Methodology (Marks:16)

1. The Nature & Scope of Science:

Nature and scope of Science, History and
development of Science, Contributions of eminent Biologists –William Harvey,
Lamarck, Charles Darwin, J. C. Bose, M. S. Swaminathan, Birbal Sahni, Elizabeth
Blackburn, Rosalind Franklin, Recent advancement in Biological Science, Biological
Science in Everyday Life, Substantive and Syntactic Structure of Science.

2. Aims and Values of Teaching Biological Sciences:

Aims of teaching Biological
Sciences, Values of teaching Biological Sciences. Knowledge and understanding
through Science, Nurturing Process, Skills of Science, Development of Scientific
Attitude and scientific temper, Respect for evidences, Open mindedness, Truthfulness
in Reporting observations, Critical thinking, Logical thinking, Skepticism, Objectivity,
Perseverance, Role of Science teacher, Relating Biological Science Education to
Physical science and Social Environment, Technology, Society and Environment.

3. Learning objectives of Biological Science:

Meaning and importance of Learning
objectives, developing learning objectives and features of well-developed learning
objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and limitations,
specific/behavioral/ instructional objectives, Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy,
Academic standards in Biological Science.

4. Biological Science Curriculum:

Historical development of Curriculum Framework,
Curriculum Framework – Curriculum and syllabus, Principles of Curriculum
Construction in Biological Science, organization of subject matter – different

approaches- correlated, integrated, topical, concentric, unit and chronological.
Recommendations of NCF-2005 and TSCF-2011 on Science Curriculum National
Focus Group Position paper on Science and State position paper [2011] on Science,
Constructivist Approach in Biological Science, Trends of Science Curriculum /
Syllabus, Moving from text book to Teaching-Learning Materials [TLM] going
beyond the text book, Print Resources, Textbooks, Popular Science Books, Journals
and Magazines, Edger Dale’s Cone of Experience, Teacher as Curriculum Developer.
Correlation of Biological Sciences with other School Subjects, Qualities of a good
Biological Science Text-book.

5. Pedagogical Shift in Biological Science:

Science as a body of knowledge to the
process of Constructing knowledge, learners, learning and teachers, Scientific method
to Science as inquiry, inclusion – Science Curriculum, Diversity in class approaches,
Information and Communication Technology [ICT], Continuous Professional
Development [CPD], Role of reflective practices in professional development of
Biological teachers, Content- cum- methodology, Meaning, concept & nature

6. Approaches and Methods of Teaching Biological Sciences:

Inductive Approach and
Deductive Approaches, Methods of Teaching 1. Lecture Method, 2. Lecture cum
Demonstration Method,3. Historical method, 4. Heuristic Method, 5. Project Method,
6. Problem solving method, 7. Scientific method. 8.. Experimental Method, 9.
Laboratory Method, Microteaching, Team teaching, Constructivist Approach, 5-E
Learning Model, Collaborative Learning Approach [CLA], Problem Solving Approach
[PSA], Concept Mapping, Experiential Learning, Multimedia Approach in teaching
learning process and programmed Learning, Computer Assisted Instruction [CAI] and
Computer Aided Learning [CAL]

7. Planning for effective Instruction in Biological Sciences:

Year Plan, Unit Plan,
Lesson Plan, Period plan Learning experiences – Characteristics, Classification,
Sources and Relevance, Teaching Learning Material [ TLM] Characteristics and
Importance, Principles to be followed in preparation and usage, Classification,
types, Hardware and Software in TLM, Planning ICT Applications.

8. Community and Learning Resources:

Using community resources – Bringing
community to the class, taking class to the community, Field visit, pooling of Learning
Resources, Teaching Learning Material [TLM] and Improvisation of Apparatus,
Science kits, Different forms of ICT and its application in Biological Science
Education – Audio Aids, Video Aids, Educational T.V., Use of Computer for
simulation, Internet and Open Learning Resources.

9. Science Laboratory as a Learning Resource:

Importance of Practical work in
Biological Sciences, Approaches to Laboratory work, Planning and organization of
Science Laboratory, working in group in the laboratory, Motivating students to
maintain the regular record of laboratory work, Procurement, Care and Maintenance of
Laboratory Equipment, Safety and First aid, Development of Improvised Apparatus,

Handling hurdles in utilization of Resources- Addressing underutilization of resources.

10.Assessment and Evaluation in Biological Science:

Concept and process of Test,
Examination, Assessment and Evaluation, Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
(CCE), Formative, Summative Evaluation, Performance Based Assessment,
Assessment Framework – Purpose of Assessment, Learning Indicators, Tools and
techniques of Assessment- Written tests, Project works, Field trips and field dairy,
Laboratory work, Interview/ oral test, Journal writing, Concept mapping, Use of
Rubrics, Recording and Reporting of the project work, Technical and Academic
guidance, Measurement of process skills, Portfolio, Its role in evaluating students’
performance, Assessment as reflecting process, Assessment of Learning of students
with special needs Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of Scholastic Achievement